

Creates a Volume with density based on an SDF.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling
Use SDF Density

Use the density attribute of the SDF if it has one. When enabled, the area of the SDF is ignored.

Runtime Baked

Density value used to fill the SDF area.

Runtime Baked
Fill Mode

How the density value (or field input) should fill the area of the SDF.

Runtime Baked
  • Inside: Fills the inside of the SDF.
  • Outside: Fills the outside of the SDF (basically inverting it).
  • Everywhere: Doesn't adjust the density at all, just uses the value everywhere.
  • Surface: Fills a hollow shell of the SDF, with blending on the inside and outside.
  • Surface Interior Blend Only: : Fills a hollow shell of the SDF, with blending only on the inside and a hard edge on the outside.
  • Surface Exterior Blend Only: Fills a hollow shell of the SDF, with blending only on the outside and hard edge on the inside.

Surface offset (equivalent to inserting a round operator).

Runtime Baked

Thickness of the hollow shell.

Runtime Baked

Amount of blending between the filled and non-filled areas.

Runtime Baked
Color Source

Where to get the color to assign to the volume.

Runtime Baked
  • No Color: Doesn't assign a color.
  • Color From SDF: Assigns a color taken from the SDF, optionally applying density to it.
  • Color From Parameter: Uses the color parameter, optionally applying density to it.

Constant color for the volume.

Apply Density To Color

Whether to multiply the color by the density, which causes it to be darker in areas with lower density.

Runtime Semi-Baked


  • SDF: (required)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: Sdf
  • Density Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float
    • Supports Variables: sdf
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: sdf


  • SDF: