

Shading that is applied to the edges of a surface relative to where it’s viewed from.

This is similar to the Rim Light feature in a standard Phong MAT.

Using rim shading can result in aliasing issues, since it’s essentially highlighting the areas that are most likely to have aliasing.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling

When off, this shading will produce values of 0, meaning no contribution to shading.


Brightness of the shading, which is used as a multiplier for the Color.

Runtime Baked
Use Color

Whether to produce color or just a brightness value.


Color of the shading.

Runtime Baked
Use Surface Color

Whether this shading should take into account the surface color attribute on the SDF (if present).

Semi-Baked Semi-Baked
Enable Shadow

Whether to apply the shadow to the color/level produced by this element.

Baked Baked

Width of the highlight area on the sides.

Runtime Baked

Amount of fading between highlighted and not highlighted areas.

Runtime Baked


  • Thickness Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: MaterialContext
    • Return Types: float
    • Supports Variables: normangle
  • Blending Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: MaterialContext
    • Return Types: float
    • Supports Variables: normangle
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: thicknessField
  • Color Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: MaterialContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
    • Supports Variables: normangle
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: thicknessField blendingField


  • normangle: