Combine Operators

Operators that take two or more inputs and combine them into a single output.

This includes operations that merge SDFs (union, diff, intersect), as well as more generic things like switches and cross-fade blending.


arrange arrange Combines multiple SDFs, with a different position for each.
boundLimit beta
combine combine Combines SDFs in various ways.
combineFields Combines float or vector fields using one of several mathematical operations.
composeSdf beta Combine multiple SDFs using different combination modes into a single SDF.
compositeFields compositeFields Combines two vector fields using color compositing.
edgeCombine edgeCombine Combines two SDFs in ways that use the intersection areas.
iterationSwitch iterationSwitch Switches between inputs based on the iteration value provided by a downstream operator.
layoutGrid layoutGrid Slices space into a grid, and places each input in a separate cell.
mergeFields Merges multiple vector fields, using different fields for each vector part.
shapedCombine Combine two SDFs, using a 2D SDF to shape the blending region.
simpleDiff simpleDiff deprecated Combines two SDFs using the difference operator.
simpleIntersect simpleIntersect deprecated Combines SDFs using the intersect operator.
simpleUnion simpleUnion deprecated Combines several SDFs using the union operator.
switch Switches or blends between several inputs, without the need to rebuild the shader, allowing for fast switching.
triPlanarCombine beta Combines three 2D fields based on vectors like surface normals.