

  • fbm
  • landscape

Noise that uses fBm (fractal brownian motion), which can work well for surface offsetting for terrain.

Based on Musgrave’s Noises Collection by xbe.

See also http://www.classes.cs.uchicago.edu/archive/2014/winter/23700-1/project_4_and_5/MusgraveTerrain00.pdf.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling
Noise Type Baked Baked
  • fBm:
  • Multi Fractal:
  • Heterogeneous Terrain:
  • Hybrid Multi Fractal:
  • Ridged Multi Fractal:

When the Noisetype uses 2D coordinates but Coordtype is 3D, this is used to choose which plane of the coordinates are used.

Runtime Semi-Baked
  • X:
  • Y:
  • Z:
Translate Runtime Baked
Scale Runtime Baked
Fractal Increment

Gap between successive frequencies.


Density of the pattern (basically another Scale).


Number of layers of detail (frequencies used in the fBm). Larger values produce more detail. Avoid values below 1.

Step Offset

Multiplies the amount produced by the noise.

Runtime Baked

Offsets (adds to) the amount produced by the noise.

Runtime Baked


  • Coordinate Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
  • Fractal Increment Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: coordField
  • Lacunarity Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
  • Frequency Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
  • Octaves Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
  • Step Offset Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
  • Gain Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3 vec4
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4