


Mirror coordinates across two axes.

This is similar to mirrorOctant but without mirroring on the diagonals.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling

Axis that faces the plane where coordinates are mirrored.

Semi-Baked Semi-Baked
  • YZ:
  • ZX:
  • XY:

Spacing of the reflection planes.

Runtime Baked

Shifts the input before applying reflection.

Runtime Baked
Rotate Axis

Rotates the input before applying reflection.

Runtime Baked
Iteration Type

Exposes information to upstream operators about which quadrant a point is in.

Semi-Baked Semi-Baked
  • None:
  • Quadrant Index (0-3): Numbers the quadrants from 0 to 3.
  • Signed Axes (-1/1, -1/1): Populates the x and y parts of the iteration value with 1 or -1 for different sides of the dividing planes.


  • definition_in: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: vec2 vec3
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4 Sdf Ray Light Particle
    • Supports Variables: index sign
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: rotateField offsetField
  • Rotate Axis Field: (optional) Value field used to vary the `Rotateaxis`. If the field is a 1D field, it is given the distance from the center. If it is a 2D field, it is given the position along the mirror axes. If it is a 3D field, it is given the raw position. The value is converted to radians and *added* to the `Rotateaxis` parameter.* `offset_field_definition_in`:
    • Coordinate Types: float vec2 vec3
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float Sdf
    • Supports Variables: index sign
  • Offset Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: float vec3
    • Context Types: Context MaterialContext CameraContext LightContext RayContext ParticleContext VertexContext PixelContext
    • Return Types: float vec4
    • Supports Variables: index sign
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: rotateField


  • index:
  • sign: