

Specialized transform that can be applied to lights, taking into account things like look at direction.

Similar to cameraTransform, this operator is specificaly designed to work on lights.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling
Position Translate

Translation offset applied to the position of the light source.

Runtime Baked
Direction Rotate

Rotation applied to the direction which the light source is facing.

Runtime Baked
Look At Mode

Whether the look at position (if used) should be adjusted with the main position or remain stationary.

Runtime Semi-Baked
  • Include Position Translate: The look at position should be moved by the same amount that the main position is moved.
  • Separate Translate Only: The look at position should remain in place regardless of how the main position moves.
Look At Translate

Translation offset applied to only the look at position.

Runtime Baked


  • Light: (required)
    • Coordinate Types: vec3
    • Context Types: LightContext
    • Return Types: Light
  • Position Translate Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: vec3
    • Context Types: LightContext
    • Return Types: vec4
  • Direction Rotate Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: vec3
    • Context Types: LightContext
    • Return Types: vec4
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: posTranslateField
  • Look At Translate Field: (optional)
    • Coordinate Types: vec3
    • Context Types: LightContext
    • Return Types: vec4
    • Supports Variables From Inputs: posTranslateField dirRotateField