

Field that produces time-based values, equivalent to a timeline CHOP.

This field ignores the provided coordinates and instead returns one of several different types of time-based values.

For timeline based values, output operators have a parameter that can specify the time reference operator. Otherwise it uses the timeline scoped to the COMP containing the scene.


Name Description Regular Handling Read-Only Handling

Which type of time value to produce.

Runtime Baked
  • Seconds: Timeline seconds.
  • Frame: Timeline frame index.
  • Start Frame: The start frame of the timeline.
  • End Frame: The end index of the timeline.
  • Fraction: The fraction of the current frame within the timeline range.
  • Frame Rate: The timeline frame rate (which isn't necessarily the actual frame rate).
  • BPM: The timeline BPM.
  • Absolute Frame: Absolute frame counting from when TouchDesigner started.
  • Absolute Seconds: Absolute seconds counting from when TouchDesigner started.
  • Absolute Step Frames: The number of absolute frames elapsed between the previous and current frame.
  • Absolute Step Seconds: The number of absolute seconds elapsed between the previous and current frame.
Time Source

Where to pull the time values from.

Runtime Baked
  • Global: Global time is always the same throughout the whole shader scene graph.
  • Context: Context time can be modified by downstream operators.