Function Operators

Function operators are an advanced type of operator used to control the behavior of other types of operators.

They are similar to field operators, but rather than providing values based on positions in space, they take in and modify simple numeric values.

For example, they can be used to control the curve used to smooth the blending region of a magnet operator, with either a sudden edge, or various types of smoothed transitions.


addFn Adds the returned values produced by all of the connected input functions.
almostIdentityFn almostIdentityFn A mapping function that can change a value only when it's zero or very close to it, where it replaces the value with a small constant.
chopFn Function that looks up values in a CHOP.
crossFn Cross-fades between two input functions, either based on a parameter or on a third function.
cubicPulseFn cubicPulseFn
easeFn easeFn
extendFn Defines the behavior of a function outside the normal expected range of coordinates.
flipFn Function that flips its input in one of several different modes.
gainFn gainFn A function that expands the sides of the coordinate range and compresses the center.
impulseFn impulseFn Impulse functions that are useful as trigger patterns or animation envelopes.
joinFn Joins functions end on end.
modulateFn beta
multiplyFn Multiplies the returned values produced by all of the connected input functions.
parabolaFn parabolaFn
pausingWaveFn pausingWaveFn
pennerEasingFn pennerEasingFn Robert Penner's collection of easing functions.
powerCurveFn powerCurveFn
rainbowFn rainbowFn
sincCurveFn sincCurveFn
stepFn stepFn A function that changes from zero to one at a cutoff point.
waveFn waveFn A function that uses a periodic wave, with the position as the parameter.